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End poor performance worriesā€¦ Sep 05, 2023

End poor performance worries…

How do we turn around poor results, poor attitudes, and poor performance?

Do we just work harder? Maybe.

But what if we are working harder on the wrong things, or just don’t know what things need to change, adjusted, or frankly, dropped?

Then we can get...

Live In The Present Aug 29, 2023


As we navigate through the different phases of life, it's fascinating to observe how we often measure our journey in three distinct realms: the Past, the Present, and the Future.

The Past, a repository of experiences, holds the tapestry of our existence. It encompasses our triumphs, our...

Who Do You Trust? Aug 22, 2023

Who Do You Trust?

You can use the principles of Mental Boxing to work alone and get you to where you want to go.

That’s the tougher route.


It requires more frustration, dedication and discipline than you may of expected.


But there is a much smoother, enjoyable and...

Calm Down Aug 15, 2023

Calm Down..

I like this quote because it’s an easy-to-understand truism.

One of the biggest mistakes we can make (and boy, I’ve done this in the distant past!), is to make decisions, especially big decisions in an emotional state.

Experience has shown me NOTHING...

The Cost of NOT Living Crisis! Aug 08, 2023

It’s widely accepted there is a bad cost of living crisis in the country right now, which is only going to get worse in the coming months.

However, …

To me, the real crisis is that of NOT LIVING!

What do I mean by this, I hear you...

Break Free From Yourself... Aug 01, 2023

I want to discuss a powerful concept that has the potential to revolutionise your life and business – breaking free from yourself


All too often, we unknowingly confine ourselves within the limits of our minds. We create mental barriers, boxing ourselves in with self-doubt, fear...

Are You In Pain??? Jul 25, 2023
Are you in pain?
Recruit a Champion…
I’m  mainly talking about the pain we sometimes feel from not achieving what we believe we are capable of, or the pain from an internal situation which is like a ‘fight’.
These states show up in many different...
The Boxer and the Businessman Jul 18, 2023

The Boxer and the Businessman

We have a lot in common.

We’ve walked the same paths to success.

We battled through all manner of failures, some of which we never anticipated.

We’ve been let down by people we trusted. At times, it hurt.

And we had a common purpose. To work as a team and...

Beautiful Brutal... Jul 11, 2023

Beautiful Brutal...

I saw the above quote recently and thought I’d share my thoughts on what it could mean for us.
As a mentor, coach, it’s important to be as clear and truthful with ourselves and our clients as possible.

It seems that in this modern age, truth and honesty can be a...

Reality check... Jul 04, 2023

Reality check...

Today’s message is about a very recent experience I had.

One which took me by complete surprise, to say the least. It literally left me breathless and questioning 40 years’ worth of time invested.

However, I’ve taken this experience as a fantastic feedback tool...

Straight Lines... Jun 27, 2023

Straight Lines...

One of the biggest mistakes a boxer can make is to move in straight lines…it makes you very predictable and open to all manner of potentially damaging blows.

Side to side and angles are key to success in boxing.
Interestingly enough I’ve found this applies to success...

Unleash Your Immense Strength Jun 20, 2023

I wanted to remind you of the U that lies within you, waiting to be unleashed.

Life is an extraordinary journey filled with countless opportunities, and sometimes, it takes a true champion to recognize and seize the moment.

Imagine stepping into the ring, surrounded by the deafening cheers...

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