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Let's debunk the No Pain no Gain Myth. May 10, 2022

Let's debunk the No Pain no Gain Myth.


I could be controversial but I’m going to make my case.

We have been told that ‘No-pain-no gain’ is the way forward for creating success.

After 50 years of experience, I have a different view.

For physical performance, especially...

Start where you are... May 03, 2022

Start where you are...

If you've made it to 40+ then you have accumulated a lot of's how to use it for MASSIVE leverage...

I’ve taken a lot of beatings over the years, and the worst ones rarely had anything to do with actual boxing.

Any of the following ring a bell?


Past, presentā€¦future... Apr 26, 2022
Past, present…future...
I find we measure our lives in respect to these 3 places.
Past – what we’ve done, whether life was good, spectacular, average, or downright shocking.
Present – this very moment, normally based on how we are feeling...
What to do if your exhausted... Apr 19, 2022

What to do if your exhausted...

Life can be very tiring.

These last couple of years have been very testing for many people I know.

Nobody I know could have predicted how life has changed recently.

And, if we did know what was coming our way recently then how could we have prepared to be ready for...

Indicators... Apr 12, 2022

It was an honour to receive the Dennie Mancini award last weekend at the British Boxing Board of Control award lunch.

It was related to me being the Commonwealth Champion back in the day.

It was also very special to me because Dennie was my cuts man for all of my professional fights and was a...

Life in reverse... Apr 05, 2022

Funny how life works, eh?

It seems to me that you understand what you need to know towards the ‘end’ of many years of hard-fought day-to-day living.

The wisdom you tend to gain comes as a result of experience

Which can often seem to be a little later than you would have wanted.

I won...

Grow Up. Not Old! Mar 29, 2022

Grow Up. Not Old! 

This may not mean what you might think it does.

I’m not talking about growing up to be more mature…being playful is a key to growth.


What I’m suggesting is we grow upwards. Not standing still, stuck, or doing the same things over and over and...

Move!! Mar 22, 2022


When we’re stuck or frustrated in getting the results we want, I’ve found there are a number of simple things we can do to kick-start a change of direction.

Let’s take our attempts at losing excess weight and or getting fit.
For many people I work with, it's just...

How to Hit a Moving Targetā€¦ Mar 15, 2022

How to Hit a Moving Target…

To be a good boxer requires the ability to ‘hit and move’. It’s rare to find a champion who’s known for being stationary in the ring, relying on superior defence and counters to win.

A couple come to mind, Sweet Pea, Mayweather, Willie...

Letā€™s go to the scorecardsā€¦ Mar 08, 2022

Let’s go to the scorecards…
TV boxing fights are fun to watch, and I especially like the inter-round ‘let’s go to the expert’s scorecard’.


Because we get an ongoing indication of who’s winning…behind, or maybe needing a KO to pull it out...

Burnt in...šŸ”„ Mar 01, 2022

Burnt in...šŸ”„
There’s a popular phrase we all know which is used to describe a point of physical and mental exhaustion or limits. The end of a certain road of direction.

Burnt out.
However, I’d like you to ponder a shift to being BURNT IN!
Here’s why I’d think...

MOT Feb 22, 2022

Time for an MOT?
“Tough times are where champions are made”

With this in mind I want to jab you into thinking about getting your MOT. I don’t mean the one for your car, but my definition of MOT…

Which is Men On Target!

Are you clear and focused on what you want to...

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