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Flip It Nov 29, 2022

Flip it!

A few days back I was talking with a very wise man. We talk often and he has some life insights (based on his deep and unusual experiences) which hit right in your philosophical solar plexus like a hard right hook.

This insight was so simple and profound I knew I had to share it with...

Who Do You Trust? Nov 22, 2022

Who Do You Trust?

You can use the principles of Mental Boxing to work alone and get you to where you want to go.

That’s the tougher route.

It requires more frustration, dedication and discipline than you may of expected.

But there is a much smoother, enjoyable and illuminating way...

30 Years of Preparation! Nov 15, 2022

30 Years of Preparation!

Where does the time go?

As you can see from the pic above, I was top of the bill in a significant fight 3 decades ago.

It meant a lot to me; it was a turning point in my career and helped massively to bring me where I am today.

“Where are you today, Billy?” I...

Winning in Business with The Mental Boxing Method: a guide for team leaders Nov 08, 2022

If you want to win in business, surrounded by a successful team with a renowned winning attitude the Mental Boxing Method is for you.

It’s a simple guide with two areas of focus: yourself and your team.

No, the Mental Boxing method isn’t about beating yourself up. It means investing...

The Cost of NOT Living Crisis! Nov 01, 2022

The Cost of NOT Living Crisis!

It’s widely accepted there is a bad cost of living crisis in the country right now, which is only going to get worse in the coming months.

However, …

To me, the real crisis is that of NOT LIVING!

What do I mean by this, I hear you ask?

Any time...

Calm Down Oct 25, 2022

Calm Down..

One of the biggest mistakes we can make (and boy, I’ve done this in the distant past!), is to make decisions, especially big decisions in an emotional state.

Experience has shown me NOTHING good ever comes from this.

Anger was one of my biggest challenges to overcome, and I used...

Changing Seasons... Oct 11, 2022

Summer appears to be over as there is a coolness in the air and I’m tempted to switch the heating on (despite the potential high cost!).

But today’s message isn’t about sky-rocketing energy bills, it’s about how things naturally shift and how we can work and benefit with...

Words Of Wisdom... Oct 04, 2022

I’ve often mentioned my mysterious friend (not Santa Claus!), who frequently drops simple words of wisdom into our conversations like hammer blows to the chin.

Except they don’t hurt you in any true sense of the word, they will ultimately lead you down a road of freedom if you think...

How To Win Sep 27, 2022

How to Win...

I was thinking back to my boxing career and my journey to becoming a World Boxing Champion, I tried to estimate how much time and effort I put into learning and then mastering the fundamental skills and techniques of the art of boxing.

How many jabs did I throw in training?

How many...

Legacy Sep 13, 2022
With the Queens passing earlier this week, I thought it would be a good idea to look at the impact of legacy, and the abundance or lack of it in our own lives.
Here’s a definition of the word I found:
Anything handed down from the past, as from an ancestor or predecessor.
Life is a Rematch... Aug 30, 2022

Life is a Rematch...

Did you catch the recent AJ vs Usyk fight?

What did you think?

Personally, I thought the fight demonstrated the key difference between winning and losing.

I call it ‘raising your mental game’.

The champion looked fearless before the fight. I could tell by the look...

How To Win Aug 16, 2022

How to Win...

I was thinking back to my boxing career and my journey to becoming a World Boxing Champion, I tried to estimate how much time and effort I put into learning and then mastering the fundamental skills and techniques of the art of boxing.

How many jabs did I throw in training

How many...

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